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Initial (90 Minutes) - $200

Involves comprehensive health assessment. We go over full medical history and explore your health goals. In Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture we treat the body as a whole. A customized acupuncture treatment along with a treatment plan will be provided to the patient at the end of initial visit (which may include, lifestyle recommendations and nutrition counseling).

Follow Up (60 Minutes) - $140

Follow up acupuncture session that may include any combination of services/modalities

(TDP infrared heat, cupping, electric stimulation, ear seeds, gua sha, etc).

Cupping Add-On - $25

A powerful detoxing and invigorating session of cupping.

Suction is created with use of cups to stimulate blood circulation and pull out impurities to the surface of the skin, so the lymphatic system can eliminate them naturally and efficiently. 

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